Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Top Off In A Public Place

Now I have to be honest, it's not just Topman Wankers that will feature heavily in this blog, chav scumbags will also be rearing their ugly heads from time to time, yesterday while the sun was out this thought occurred to us outside Club S7ven in Coventry. Bearing in mind it was only 18 degrees Celsius.

"Why is it these fucking Chav scum-hole nobbers have to take their tops off in public whenever the sun pops itself out from behind the clouds?"

Now, don't get me wrong, we have all taken our top off in public but it is only socially acceptable in 4 places; ever! So take note nause cunts, unless your top is off in any place other than the four listed below; you look an absolute twat. Nobody wants to see your skinny, pasty crack addict-like body. Put it away and get that fucking staffy on a lead before it attacks another child on your council estate. Will you also stop walking around in tracksuit bottoms. They are called a "Tracksuit" for a reason, you wear them to train at the TRACK! Not when you are in Argos selecting your next Elizabeth Duke sovereign ring.
The only four places it is acceptable to take your top off in public are:-

  • By the pool
  • On the beach
  • In the park in HIGH summer with your mates, a few beers and a barbecue
  • In bed
End Of.

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