Thursday, 17 January 2013

Groups of "lads"

Now, it's been a while so I've got a biblical amount of rage to release, I'll try and keep it as low key as possible.

Lads. the term "lad" just reminds me of the typical chino wearing, Toms sporting buffoon that simply cannot help themselves but get as much alcohol into their system as is manageable by any living human being. This then gives said "lad" permission (in their own tiny little lizard brain) to act like a Parkinson's riddled medieval court jester that's had a stroke. Spraying their verbal diarrhoea and VK blue absolutely everywhere. It allows them to do silly things like take their tiny little t-shirt off on dance floors nationwide and have a good old scrap. This chaps; is embarrassing. I particularly love the Facebook bragging the following day. Well done. Pillock.

"Lads" are the type of guys, when in their groups; that will buy a bottle of Grey Goose between all 8 of them and then take turns posing for photos in a shameful, and unsuccessful attempt at looking like a big shot (mainly for the next day facebook bragging fiasco).

I personally think that groups of young men that number more than three should be banned, and those that break the law are to be taken to the nearest iceberg and set afloat at pace. Imagine all the above multiplied by 8 or more, and the cretinous behaviour doubles because they egg each other on making incomprehensible primate like grunts and shouts while doing so.

Come on Cameron, let's have a law that we can all benefit from............

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